Elizabeth M. Dama

  • Elizabeth M. Dama resides in the Hudson Valley where she relocated from New York City in 1989. She attributes her intuitive ease in subject changes and curiosity in material use from practicing her art since childhood. Having several projects working at the same time allows Elizabeth an independent freedom to explore and develop ideas without becoming stuck in a particular plan. Additionally, Elizabeth has been a lifelong teacher and student. She enjoys sharing her skills and learning new ones. Elizabeth is currently drawing, weaving, working in clay and painting with acrylic. She attends non-instructional figure drawing and painting workshops while piloting classes in her home studio.

  • I consider myself a fortunate person. My curiosity for learning was developed early in my life and allowed me to seek out inspiration anywhere I can find it. Curiosity drives my motivation and a spontaneous urge to observe, learn and discover.


Diane Crupain


Vaea Dang