Linda Leo Palfreyman
Linda resides in Tivoli, NY with her husband Kevin Palfreyman where they share a beautiful woodland studio built by Kevin. Both are landscape painters, and both find creating art as an intrigal part of their life. Inspiration comes from the beautiful Hudson river valley and the painters who paved the way.
Art has always been a part of my journey through life. I have gleaned skills and perspectives from the many years and many experiences along the way. These life experiences have always lead me to new beginnings and new creative opportunities. Sketching and drawing is the foundation of all my artistic endeavors. I have enjoyed working with watercolors but landscapes in oil have been my main focus. Recently I have applied what I've learned in my study of landscape painting, color, techniques, and composition to a new medium - encaustics. I'm enjoying the texture and luminous quality of these wax based paints. They often produce unexpected results making them both challenging and fun. Whether working in two dimensons or three, art has always been my way of sharing my awe of the natural world. I have studied with and been influenced by many past and current artists and teachers and I'm grateful for the skills I've gained. I especially want to thank Keith Gunderson for sharing his knowledge and artistic wisdom which made the world of painting come alive for me. I look forward to continuing my journey down this wonderful creative path.
Instagram: @lindaleoart
Facebook: lindaleoart
Email: Lindaleoart@gmail.com
Blue Bear Glazed Ceramic 3x5_Linda Leo Palfreyman
Woods, Encaustic on Board, 8 x 10 in.
Pond, Oil on Board, 8 x 10 in.
Winter Wood II, Encaustic on Panel, 7 x 7 in.
North South Lake, Oil on Board, 5 x 6 in.
Sunset Path, Oil on Board, 8 x 10 in.
Bard Cascade, Oil on Board, 6 x 11 in.
Crow, Encaustic on Board, 7 x 7 in.